Building A Sustainable Family-Based Esusu
Please join APPEAL for a compelling presentation family-based esusu, ancent community based savings systems. F
The presentation will highlight the call to action to facilitate economic empowerment, based on African principles, at the individual, family and community levels. Narmer and Diarra are founding members of a community esusu that started in 2005.
Utilizing the wisdom and legacy of our Ancestors, we can successfully:
• Eliminate our dependency on oppressive financial systems;
• Build trust, unity and collaboration within our community;
• Challenge injected oppressive rhetoric like, "Black people can't be trusted with money";
• Heal deeply embedded wounds related to money matters;
• Demonstrate Kujichagulia (self determination) and Ujamaa (cooperative economics); and
Frank Narmer John
Diarra Markham
Imhotep Durham
Erasto Matthews
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