What is this social-emotional learning thing that we are hearing about? From an African Point of view?
What is it and is it beneficial to our children/grandchildren?
Our families?
Our community?
Presenter: Mama Abena Makini Niliwaambieni is a founding member of APPEAL and the Chairperson of APPEAL's Socio-Economic Analysis and Education Committee (SEAEC). She is co-founder of the African People’s Action School, a member of the Council of Independent Black institutions (CIBI), a founding mother of Kindezi Kommunity Kids’ where she serves as co-facilitator of the Educational Forum Committee, co-founder of Sankofa Emma, a rite of passage program for women, and Akyemfohema of Ankobea Society for 25 years. Please register in advance. You will receive a Reminder by 9 am on the day of the presentation with the ZOOM login link/info for the event. If you register on the day of, you will receive the login link/info at that time.
Please register in advance. You will receive a Reminder by 9 am on the day of the presentation with the ZOOM login link/info for the event. If you register on the day of, you will receive the login link/info at that time.
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