This presentation will highlight the tactical differences in how white supremacy is operationalised in the UK, France, and the french colony Martinique as compared to the US, whilst demonstrating the shared ideological underpinnings and similar socio-economic outcomes for African populations.
11am - 1:00pm
Co-Presented By
Brother Ifayomi, the author of seven books including Buy Now Pay Later, How Debt is Used to Create Financial Slavery, 'What's Love Got to Do with - Seven Steps to Solving the Crisis in Black Male Female Relationships'. He is also the author of a pamphlet 'Ifowosowopo Economics' (Let's All Pull Together) which was an initial attempt to sketch out an Afrikan-centered economic paradigm
Brother Makenga, a co-presenter of the French-based YouTube channel Mobali Makasi. He is the co-founder of Kamit Kalenda, a panafrikan organization which values and presents the imagery of Afrikan heroes and sheroes. In his “spare” time, he collaborates with Afrikan World Infosystems in New York, translating the work of Bro Dr. Amos Wilson into French; and with The Afrikan World newspaper, supporting Dr Marimba Ani in his capacity as an African correspondent for The Great Lakes region.
Please register in advance. You will receive a Reminder at 9 am on the day of the presentation with the ZOOM login link/info for the event. If you register on the day of, you will receive the login link/info at that time.
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