African Ancestry Family Reunions and Birthright Journeys

  • Saturday, August 08, 2020
  • 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • On Zoom


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African Ancestry Family Reunions and Birthright Journeys

Dr. Gina Paige, President and Co-Founder of African Ancestry, will present the newly launched African Ancestry Family Reunion (AAFR), an initiative spearheaded by, pioneers of genetics ancestry tracing for people of African descent, to facilitate cultural immersion of African Americans in the African countries where they traced their roots using DNA.

“This is really a journey, a birthright journey for people to learn the country, learn the history, the cultures, the traditions from the people who lived there that they have distant ancestry connections to.” 

The 2020 inaugural host countries include Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Cameroon with additional countries joining each year.

    This will be a virtual presentation on Saturday, August 8th, 2020

    11am - 12:30pm

    Presented By Dr. Gina Paige,

    President and Co-Founder of African Ancestry 

    Please register in advance. You will receive a Reminder at 9 am on the day of the presentation with the ZOOM login link/info for the event.  If you register on the day of, you will receive the login link/info at that time.

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