Play the Game: Hierarchical Assimilation - Navigating to Find Collective Freedom

  • Saturday, February 15, 2025
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • On Zoom


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"Play the Game:" Hierarchical Assimilation:

Navigating to Find Collective Freedom

We will delve into the perils of society and how to navigate it to find collective freedoms, with Nkozia X, the author of "Play the Game:" Hierarchical Assimilation, which takes readers on a journey through history, exploring the roots of power structures such as the military-industrial complex and educational institutions. The focus of "Play the Game:" Hierarchical Assimilation is practical solutions and actionable steps to navigate and resist the forces of oppression that permeate our society.
We will also examine the ways in which these structures perpetuate inequities and restrict individual freedoms, making it a must for anyone interested in social justice, activism, liberation, and political change.

Presenter: Nkozia X, is a distinguished scholar, entrepreneur, and author committed to sustainable solutions, educational empowerment, and renewable energy. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology and International Development with a concentration in Afrakan and Asian Affairs and is pursuing a Masters in Anthropological Studies in pursuit of her JD/PhD. In addition to her academic pursuits, Nkozia is an accomplished writer and children's book author.



Please register in advance. You will receive a Reminder by 9 am on the day of the presentation with the ZOOM login link/info for the event.  If you register on the day of, you will receive the login link/info at that time.