An Update on Venezuela and Cuba:
Why Venezuela, Cuba and Zimbabwe are Important to the Pan-African Liberation Struggle!
Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) Coordinating Committee members Netfa Freeman and Vanessa Beck just returned from Venezuela as part of the Embassy Protectors delegation that spend 10 days in the country meeting with community leaders, social organizations and government officials, including a private meeting with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.
Join us as Netfa Freeman speaks on behalf of BAP and reports on the conditions that they observed in Venezuela.
Netfa will also be reporting on his recent trip to Cuba, in light of the new US Cuba policy.
With the national conversation centered on Trump’s racist agenda encouraging white nationalist violence in the U.S., Vanessa Beck asserts that “it is a contradictory position on the part of progressives in the U.S. and even the general public not to link Trump’s racism domestically with his foreign policies that clearly have no regard for the lives of people of color.”
Presenter: Netfa Freeman of the Black Alliance for Peace