Building A Sustainable Family-Based Esusu
Please join APPEAL for a compelling presentation on the value of forming a family-based esusu. Frank Narmer John and Diarra Markham will be joined by fellow esusu member - Erasto Matthews. Erasto will share lessons learned from starting and growing his family’s esusu, 13 years strong! This presentation highlights the call to action to facilitate economic empowerment, based on African principles, at the individual, family and community levels. Narmer, Diarra and Erasto are all founding members of a community esusu that started in 2005.
Utilizing the wisdom and legacy of our Ancestors, we can successfully:
• Eliminate our dependency on oppressive financial systems;
• Build trust, unity and collaboration within our community;
• Challenge injected oppressive rhetoric like, "Black people can't be trusted with money";
• Heal deeply embedded wounds related to money matters;
• Demonstrate Kujichagulia (self determination) and Ujamaa (cooperative economics); and
Frank Narmer John
Diarra Markham