Habari Gani!
IMANI is for Khepra's Raw Food and Juice Bar
New Location
@408 H St., NE, Washington, DC
Here's a sneak peak at some of the prizes to be awarded tonight to participants/winners:
Please show your support for each of these business in our Black Business Support Initiative, collect all the stickers on your Flask Mob card (available at each business), and qualify for all 7 raffle tickets for the Grand Prize, as well as a door prize for filling up your card.
If you missed any of the previous days/businesses, you can still go back during this Kwanzaa to patronize them and get your stickers for the prizes.
The prize drawings will be held today, Jan. 1, 2019, 7pm @ the Imani Night Candle-lighting, Plymouth Congregational Church, 5301 North Capitol St NE, Washington, DC 20011.
The purpose of this Black Business Support Initiative, or “FLASH MOB”, is to harness the potential of the community activities during the week of Kwanzaa and encourage a more supportive relationship between the community and Black owned and operated businesses.
For the “FLASH MOB”, participant cards will be made widely available, especially at the above businesses. When a participant patronizes a business, each business will affix their own sticker to the participant’s card. Each sticker will entitle participants to one rifle ticket for a grand prize drawing on the last night of Kwanzaa, Jan. 1, 2019, 7pm @ the Imani Night Candle-lighting, Plymouth Congregational Church, 5301 North Capitol St NE, Washington, DC 20011. Participants who patronize all seven businesses during Kwanzaa and fill up their cards with all seven (7) stickers from all seven businesses will get a door prize for their support.
The entire community is encouraged to participate in this 2018/2019 Kwanzaa Black business “FLASH MOB” initiative by supporting these businesses during Kwanzaa, particularly on their designated days, as well as throughout the entire year.
We thank you for your continued support of our mission to build strong self-sustaining prosperous communities and we look forward to seeing you at the FLASH MOB!